If you do not consent, please do not click on “Manual”, “Download” or “Final Check”.
- Prohibition on Secondary Use
STARS holds the copyright to all materials; unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Secondary use of all manuals and the final check on the STARS net-diver school homepage is, except for the purposes of carrying out practical skills training at partner dive shops, expressly prohibited.
- Disclaimer
If, after the final check and while at a STARS net-diver school partner dive shop, each having its own individual program of orientation, practical skills training, diving tours and the like, a diver claims to have occurred damage, injury or loss, directly, indirectly or from a third party, we bear no responsibility nor have any obligation for any kind of support.
- Important Notices and Contact Address
Each STARS net-diver school partner dive shop, having its own individual program of orientation, practical skills training, diving tours and the like, also sets fees which may differ among partner dive shops. Please enquire directly with the respective dive shop about fee particulars.
- Course Completion Confirmation Expiry
The course completion confirmation email, which provides proof of having completed and passed the final check, expires 30 days from its issuance. Please take care not to let this period lapse.
- Medical Contraindications to Diving; Medical Certificate Prior to Diving
If you have any of the following illnesses or symptoms, a valid doctor’s medical certificate clearing you for diving must be presented to the partner dive shop before any diving orientation, practical skills training, diving tours and the like can be undertaken:
Perforated eardrum / Meniere’s disease / tympanitis / chronic sinusitis (empyema) / nasal
cavity blockage (nose polyp / nasal septum curvature) / hay fever / dental work, including
fillings and dental appliances / endogenous bronchial asthma / spontaneous pneumothorax
/ pulmonary emphysema / tuberculosis / residual tubercule lung cavity / bronchial tube
inflammation due to smoking / acute respiratory infection (common cold / pneumonia /
bronchitis) / arrhythmia / valvular disease of the coronary artery / cardiomyopathy /
hypertension / neurologic manifestation / alcoholism / neuralgia / epilepsy / nerve
sensitivity disease / migraine / head injury succeeded by spasm or abnormal brain waves /
stroke (brain hemorrhage / cerebral infarction / submembranous hemorrhage / arthritis /
rheumatoid arthritis / myositis / duodenal ulcer / hepatitis / pancreatitis / diabetes mellitus /
thyroid gland disease / glaucoma / conjunctivitis / paraplegia / obesity / pregnancy / those
who, unable to equalize ear and paranasal cavity pressure when flying or driving at altitude,
suffer pain and discomfort / those with fear of heights or open spaces / those easily seasick
or carsick (motion sickness) / those whose heart rate does not return to normal within 45
seconds after stepping 5 times in 5 seconds on and off a chair.
■No Guarantee of Fitness
STARS and STARS net-diver school and its contents, including all manuals and the final check, make no guarantee as to fitness. Further, we bear no responsibility for said contents. Use of STARS net-diver school is the sole responsibility of the consumer. While we endeavour to do as much as possible to guard against computer viruses and the like, we bear no responsibility for damages caused by computer viruses.
To let us know of your opinion, to ask a question, to inquire about the manual, or to let us know about a computer virus problem, please contact us at the following:
【STARS net-diver school Head Office】
Tokyo-to, Bunkyoku, Hongo 2-26-14 Ikisaka Center Building B1
TEL:+81-3-3818-6028 FAX:+81-3-3818-6029 mail: info@net-diver.org
■Warning on Fraudulent Final Check Test-taking.
Please be advised that, when, after having completed the final check and during the
practical skills training orientation’s usual review questioning, the partner dive shop
instructor has suspicion to believe that the student has, in fact, not completed the net-diver
school course himself/herself, but rather it was completed by a third party, the instructor is
permitted to re-examine the student. If the results demonstrate that the student acted
fraudulently, the partner dive shop may decline to continue training.