Skin Diver Manual

Welcome to the underwater world!

Medical Check-up

Skin Diver Course Completion

Skin Diving Equipment

Gear Preparation and Maintenance

Using Your Equipment

Skin Diving Skill

Rules and Manners

Safety Management

Important Points for Ocean Practice
Ear Equalization

Mask Blow

Mask Clear

Dangerous Breathing Methods – Hyperventilation

Light and Color

Poisonous Sea Life 1

Poisonous Sea Life 2

Aggressive Sea Life

Transform into a Fish on your Holidays

Using Your Equipment


Before putting on your mask, make sure to defog it.


When fitting the mask, be sure to keep all hair away from the mask’s edges by sweeping your hair up and away from your face. By holding the mask to your face and adjusting the straps, you can make sure you have the best fit possible.



We place weights around our waist, avoiding our spine and pelvis bones, and equally on our right and left sides so that our weight is balanced.


We put on the belt with the buckle in our left hand and the free end in our right, and pull through the end so the belt is around our waist.

Bending forward at the waist with the belt across our back, we bear the weight so it's easy to fasten tight the buckle.

■Adjusting The Weights

After putting on our snorkel set, wet suit and weight belt, see if you can float. If, upon inhaling, you are at eye level and, upon exhaling, you sink to the top of your head, your weighting is suitable. Overweighting is dangerous and to be avoided.


While your buddy helps support your balance, you hold one fin in which to place your foot while gripping the other empty fin. Once your foot is sufficiently in the pocket, pull tight the strap (of an open heel pocket fin). If you are using the full foot pocket type, carefully fold up the heel.



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