Skin Diver Manual

Welcome to the underwater world!

Medical Check-up

Skin Diver Course Completion

Skin Diving Equipment

Gear Preparation and Maintenance

Using Your Equipment

Skin Diving Skill

Rules and Manners

Safety Management

Important Points for Ocean Practice
Ear Equalization

Mask Blow

Mask Clear

Dangerous Breathing Methods – Hyperventilation

Light and Color

Poisonous Sea Life 1

Poisonous Sea Life 2

Aggressive Sea Life

Transform into a Fish on your Holidays

Dangerous Breathing Methods – Hyperventilation

■Dangerous Breathing Methods – Hyperventilation

A breathing technique for skin diving in which you quickly and deeply breath a few times to lower the concentration of carbon dioxide in your body, hyperventilation allows you to breath hold for a longer than usual period of time. However, when done to excess, the lowered concentration of carbon dioxide fails to stimulate the breath response in the respiratory centre, causing a loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen. Often occurring on or near the water’s surface, the term “Shallow Water Blackout” is used. As a loss of consciousness in water is clearly dangerous, never hyperventilate to excess. Finally, receiving air while skin diving from a scuba diver underwater carries a risk of lung over-expansion injury, and so, doing this is strictly prohibited.


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