
First aid specialty

Certification card


Lifesaving treatment 1

Lifesaving treatment 2

Oxygen administration 1

Oxygen administration 2

The procedure for saving lives is called basic life support.

Oxygen is taken from the lungs and carried by the blood to the whole body by the action of the heart.
Therefore, breathing and cardiac arrest are life-threatening.

It may take up to 10 minutes for an ambulance to arrive even in a big city.
It is told that the survival rate of human beings is 50% if you left some people for 3 minutes with the heart stopped, and that death will occur in most cases if you left some people for 10 minutes with the heart stopped, so the basic life support must should be done as soon as possible.

Also, if there is a doctor nearby or an ambulance crew arrives, let them do the basic life support.

■Basic life support equipment

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is a device that restores the heart to normal condition by giving an electric shock to the heart which is unable to send blood the whole body due to convulsions.

Previously, the AED was only allowed to be used by medical expert such as doctors and paramedics, but now it has already placed in public places where many people gather, and it can also be used by the general people.

Just turn on the power and the voice will tell you how to use it, so anyone can do the basic life support.

Use AED if any people don't have "breathing.


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