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Inform the divers around you with a loud voice, whistle, signal float, signal red flame, hand signal, etc.
Ask for ambulance and AED arrangements and rescue assistance. |


Underwater horn


Signal red flame

Signal float
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Secure the buoyancy of your BC and approach the diver.
If the diver is laying face down, turn his face up so he can comfortably breathe. |

When laying face down

Pull diver's hand and lay him on his back
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"watch" the diver's chest and upper abdominal movements.
If he "breathes normally", tow to a safe location.
Grab the valve or BC and tow diver by a flutter kick (fluttering foot) with your back in the direction of travel, or by foot push.

Flutter kick

Foot push

Flutter kick and Foot push
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"Watch" the diver's chest and upper abdominal movements, and if they are not "breathing as usual", give artificial respiration.
Remove the diver's mask, regulator, and snorkel, and roll your mask backwards with hanging it on your neck.
Tow diver to a safe place by flutter kick while performing artificial respiration by using a pocket mask.
Check the movement of the diver's chest to see if artificial respiration is effective.
First do Artificial respiration of five consecutive blows, then doing it once every five seconds while doing "two-minute tow" towards the boat and land.
If diver starts "normal breathing", stop artificial respiration and tow while checking "normal breathing".
After a "two-minute tow", you should determine if you can reach the boat or land in another three minutes.
If you think you can reach the boat or land within 3 minutes, that is, if you think you can reach the boat or land within 5 minutes after starting artificial respiration, continue towing by continuing artificial respiration.
If you do not think you can reach the boat or land within 3 minutes, that is, if you can not reach the boat or land within 5 minutes after starting artificial respiration, stop artificial respiration on the water surface, and tow to the boat or land as soon as possible, then do artificial respiration and heart massage.
Also, if you can not artificial respiration well, stop breathing on the water surface and tow to the boat or land as soon as possible.
This method follows the 2010 guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council, which publishes the most detailed information on the rescue of drowning persons in the world.
If diver are not a drowning person and do not breathe due to a heart disease, do not do artificial respiration on the water surface, and tow the boat or land as soon as possible.
If there is a collaborator, ask him to assist in towing with a foot push.
Learn more about artificial respiration by taking a First Aid Specialty Course. |
Pocket mask

Checking chest movements

Artificial respiration + flutter kick towing

Ask your collaborators to help