
The Role of Dive Professionals

Certification Card

Conditions for Holding

Classroom Control

Gathering Information


Recruitment of Participants

Conducting Fun Dives①

Conducting Fun Dives②

Conducting Fun Dives③

Conducting Fun Dives④

Risk Management

Obligations and Responsibilities

When leading fun dives, do so under the following conditions.

An assistant is a Dive Professional who is in active status (maintaining membership + having liability insurance). When using two or more assistants, you can increase the number of participants by one for each additional assistant.

Furthermore, in addition to the above conditions, you must confirm whether the participants in the fun dives have completed the following courses suitable for their environment and situation.

Participants must have completed the following courses.:

For depths exceeding 12m: Open Water Diver course
For depths exceeding 20m: Deep Diving Specialty course
For boat diving:Boat Diving Specialty course
For night diving: Night Diving Specialty course
For diving with a dry suit: Dry Suit Specialty course
For diving with nitrox gas: Nitrox Specialty course

Only participants who have completed these courses should be led in fun dives.


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