■Pre-surface swimming safety check.
Before surface swimming, ensure that all members establish buoyancy and check everyone's physical and mental condition.
They may be feeling physically exhausted or stressed.
Make eye contact and communicate on the surface to check breathing and fatigue levels.
Use the regulator for surface swimming as needed.
Clearly define the exit point and ensure that no member of the team gets separated during surface swimming.
Beginners may become distracted by the underwater environment during surface swimming.
It's important to check the status of all members (safety check).
■Surface swim, exit and debriefing
We will exit from a beach where the water gradually becomes shallower and is less affected by waves.
After swimming to waist depth, walk to the exit.
After all members have exited, let's exit.
Let's use the back of the dive leader check sheet to conduct the dive briefing.
Let's check the members' health conditions.
Let's confirm the number of members.
■After dive
Regarding the malfunctioning rental equipment, let's clearly indicate the malfunction and manage it appropriately.
Let's report the end of the dive to the relevant parties.

Rest first, then move on the water's surface.

Don't chase the fish.

Any ear discomfort?

Let's check for any forgotten items or malfunctioning equipment.

Don't forget to stay in touch.