
The Role of Dive Professionals

Certification Card

Conditions for Holding

Classroom Control

Gathering Information


Recruitment of Participants

Conducting Fun Dives①

Conducting Fun Dives②

Conducting Fun Dives③

Conducting Fun Dives④

Risk Management

Obligations and Responsibilities

To lead fun dives, preparation is done in the following order: gathering information, creating a plan, and recruiting participants.

■Methods of Gathering Information"

Obtain the latest information from diving magazine articles, local resort facilities, and the Meteorological Agency's website.

If you cannot get information from diving magazine articles or local resort facilities for a particular area, it may not be suitable for fun diving.

Avoid planning fun dives in such areas.

Obtain the latest information from diving magazine articles, local resort facilities, and the Meteorological Agency's website.

To avoid conflicts with fishermen or other vessels at fun diving points, use local resort facilities that are familiar with local rules and regulations.

Let's gather information from the internet.

Let's obtain the latest local information.

■Checking Diving Conditions

To ensure that the diving environment is suitable, let's check the following information:

1. Marine life habitats

2. Tidal currents, tide tables, and local tidal and current conditions

3. Visibility above the water and underwater clarity

4. Seafloor topography, sediment, and seaweed growth conditions

5. Water temperature at the diving points

6. Usage of the water surface by fishing boats, leisure boats, and other marine sports activities

7. The placement of fishing gear such as fixed nets, octopus pots, and fishing nets

8. Status of restricted areas

9. Seasonal Weather Conditions
Regions that are susceptible to seasonal winds may experience waves and other conditions that prevent diving for extended periods.
Be sure to obtain information about alternative diving points as well.

■Usage guidelines for resort facilities

Let's also pay attention to the availability and usage guidelines for toilets, rest areas, and arrangements for meals at the site.


Let's confirm the transportation to the site.

Check if there is convenient public transportation for the meeting and dispersal times.

■Guide Diver Confirmation

Most local resort facilities have guide divers who are familiar with the local marine areas.

In unfamiliar waters, arrange for an experienced guide diver.

Confirm the cost and reservation method for the guide diver.

Are there any dangerous marine organisms?

Let's obtain a simple tide table from the internet.

Is the visibility good?

Let's also research alternative dive points for rough weather conditions.

Also, confirm the capacity of the facility.

Check the operating schedule.

Having a guide diver provides peace of mind.

  ■Tide Table

  For diving points where strong currents have a significant impact (such as narrow waterways or the tips of capes), investigate the tide table in advance and plan your dives at the optimal time.

           Be cautious of narrow waterways.              Be cautious of the tips of capes.

The tide changes in the following order over a continuous 14-day period.
Spring tide → Neap tide → Minor tide → Long tide → Young tide → Neap tide

Spring tides have large tidal ranges. while Minor tide, Long tide and Young tide have smaller tidal ranges.   

Spring tides have fast currents, while Minor tide, Long tide and Young tide have slower currents.

Try to choose days with slower currents, such as during Minor tide, Long tide and Young tide, for diving.

                               The 14-day tidal cycle

Tidal currents are caused by the ebb and flow of the tides, so the current speed is at its minimum
during slack tide.

               Slack tides and tide tables for the day.

Additionally, the current speed increases at the beginning of both the flood tide and the ebb tide.

Plan your dive to start during the period of slow current before slack tide and finish your dive and exit
the water before the slack tide time.

The relationship between tidal currents and tide tables.


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