Night diving specialty
Certification card
Equipment 1
Equipment 2
Equipment 3
Hand signal
Night diving procedure 1
Night diving procedure 2
Night diving procedure 3
Night diving procedure 4
Night diving procedure 5
Night diving procedure 6
■Strobe light
It is a light that flashes the same strong light as a strobe on a camera at regular intervals.
It is usually worn by a dive reader and informs the members of its existence.
It is also installed on the water surface marker buoy and used to make buoy position easier to see. |
■Marking light
Attach it to the regulator's first stage to let other divers know your position.
There are battery-operated types, but usually we use a disposable chemical light that does not require a battery and emits light by a chemical reaction.
There are various color chemical lights.
For the tail end of the dive team and for beginners, you can use a different color from other divers one.
■Shore light
If boats and beaches that are not equipped with night diving light fixtures, we will not be able to dive at night without shore lights.
The shore lights illuminate the area brightly and are necessary to prepare for a night dive.
Also, keep it on during diving so that the diver can see the exit point from the water surface.
Gas lanterns with less breakdowns are the most suitable than battery-powered ones.
We may also use car headlights as a substitute of them.