After confirming each other's safety on the surface of the water, the buddies descend using the descent line or anchor line.
Let's see each other while descending.
When the tide is fast, you may use the current line or tag line to move to the descent line.
When moving to the descent line using the tag line, do not enter between the tag line and the boat.
When the wave shakes the boat, you can be trapped between the tug line and the boat, which can be a major accident.。
Be careful. |

Be careful with tag lines |
If you use an anchor line instead of a descent line on the surface, be careful not to get between the anchor line and the boat. |
The waves makes the bow the boat particularly swaying due to, so contacting the bow can be a major accident. |
When the anchor comes off the sea floor, the anchor jumps below the tide of the anchor line.
Do not stay under the tide of the anchor line near the sea floor. |
The buddies check each other's safety on the seabed and then check the surroundings. |